Fade 2

Jiang Zhi
Fade 2
Archival inkjet print
183.4 x 137.6 cm (Edition of 3 + 2AP)
66 x 49.5 cm (Edition of 6 + 2AP)

In the Fade series, the artist replaces the real and transient subjects in Love Letters with acrylic, silk and glass flowers that are artificial, seemingly permanent, and ever-green, though showing traces of dust and time. By reconstructing the décor of a common Chinese household in the 1980s, the artist allegorises the foregone epochal aestheticism and romantic imagination of a good life. This vision stands as a stark contrast to our present age, where one enjoys an ever-accelerating pace of change and volatility, yet foregoing a safe space to deposit one’s feelings and desires. This also reveals the artist’s meditation on classical Chinese philosophy, that things are “neither new nor old, neither leaving nor coming”.

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