2024-9-26 - 10-13

“What is this giddying place, With no firm-fixéd floor, That I knew not of before?" "It is Life," said a mask-clad face. — The Masked Face, Thomas Hardy, 1917


Admit it. We are narcissists. From commissioned portraits of kings and nobles to “leaked” nudes of celebrities, we can’t help but be obsessed with immortalising our image.


Young Soy Gallery is proud to present “Unmasked”, a group exhibition that gathers four Hong Kong artists, Mr Koo, Louie Jaubere, Jerome Leung, Sai Pradhan, and one international artist, Jake Scharbach, to challenge the tradition of portrait making, propelling viewers to see portraiture as a mirror that reflects societal conditions and the shared emotions of our time.


In Mr Koo’s ambiguous faces and Jerome Leung’s mouthless figures, the two artists draw references from their day-to-day encounters to explore the transformative power of emotion and the nuances in human connections.


While Louie Jaubere and Jake Scharbach’s mixed media works interrogate our preoccupation with celebrity and the power structures that dictate society, Sai Pradhan’s introspective paintings challenge the stigma around work and (un-)productivity.


“Unmasked” invites viewers to re-examine “portraiture”, prompting them to see beyond what is visible, abandon the giddy masks, and contemplate on the complexity of the human condition that makes each face.


Rip away mask-clad faces and reconsider the images people present to the world at Young Soy Gallery between the 26th of September until the 13th of October.


地址: 上環摩羅上街40A號地下

營業時間: 週三至週六 11am–6pm

電話: 59882729

電郵: habibi@youngsoy.com

網站: youngsoy.com

Young Soy Gallery 樣衰畫廊的使命在於培養及揄揚多元且激進的文化勢力。畫廊代理的藝術家不僅具備別樹一格的風格,還具有多元的背景和意識形態。 這使畫廊能以多元的風格挑戰觀者的界限,並不斷讓他們接觸新鮮的概念。我們以能代表這些藝術家為榮,並相信這些藝術家有潛力在藝術史甚至歷史中佔有一席之地。畫廊也積極鼓勵大眾參與圍繞藝術家和藝術品的對話。 透過重視大眾在展覽的參與,本畫廊堅定地希望透過藝術,讓世界成為一個更美好、更有趣的棲息地。