Nov 08 2019

Performance | The Body Electric

Against the backdrop of Hong Kong’s current extraordinary political and existential crisis, Empty Gallery is proud to present you The Body Electric, an extraordinary measure which will attempt to fuse plasma energy with specific sound frequencies to heal and restore balance both in the mental and physical plains, while in tribute to one of the forgotten genius of all time, Dr Royal Raymond Rife. While source frequencies such as the Solfeggio and Nogier will be provided for Die Angel’s (Ilpo Väisänen, Dirk Dresselhaus) composition for this performance as structural base materials, Hong Kong based Fiesta Brass will be reinterpreting Electro Pop / Rock classics through their unique quintet arrangement for an evening where the ritual procession of merging fringe science and electronic sound to break new ground.
Gallery: Empty Gallery
Date: 30 November
Time: 6:30pm – 9pm
Talk: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Performance: 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Venue: 18-19/F Grand Marine Center, 3 Yue Fung St., Tin Wan

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